The Ltt - light thermal therapy hand attachment obligation information

Light thermal therapy method after Dr. med.APUL


.A - composition impact:

- tl 12° NGE as LAFER (with ca.700 facet mirror) 

Liquelle 1 cm distance per 1 cm² 170 mW.Energy supplies

LED 18° NGE as LAFER (with 18 LED facet mirror) source of light 1 cm distance per 1 cm² ca.150 mW. supplies.

In order to deliver the light energy at physical cells (applizieren), this equipment was particularly manufactured.

     - our period of life is connected with much stress;   in order to supplement the loss of energy connected with stress, this is a way of treatment, those much  is effective.

     - the treatment works blood circulation-promoting.

     - decreases the muscle tensions.   At the beginning it can come to the vermehrung of the pain.

     - with correct application the Muskuloskeleteal pain is eliminated.

- restaurants or regional hyperthermia application.

- application is effective also with depressions.

       From the equipment light radiation joins out, 

       inappropriate application to burn and 

       Fire generation to lead can.

B of areas of application  

- easy ones to schwergradige depressive episode of all kinds, seasonal-dependent depression (= SAD), fear conditions,

      - Pani disturbances,

      - chronic tiredness Fatigue syndrome = CMS.

      - chronic rheumatism tables complaints forms circle

      - neck WG, chest WG, Lenden spinal columns syndrome.

      - Spondylitis ankylosans, Arthrose all kind,

      - chronic Neuropathie pain syndrome, 

        Fabric and muscle spanning, bio rhythm 

        Disturbances, rule pain (Dysmenorrhoe) among other things.

- hypertonia, ways lack of sunlight (e.g. u

   Boats, space travel) by to being enough stay in     

  closed areas,     

- skin diseases, Wundbehandlungen.

C contraindications:

- should with pregnancy and children under 6 years      

      the Ltt hand attachment under strict indications   

      are used.

- hypersensitivity in relation to light,

 (sunlight allergy),

- irradiation directly at the eyes and environment.

   - with arsenic ones or immune Supressiva of medicines,

   - with different paralyses - Hemiplegie 

     in these cases burn danger exists.

   - with acute oberbauch complaints (e.g. Appendizitis  

      among other things.)

   - with acute fever diseases and acute rheumatism tables

     Complaints form circle, strong headache, 

     Mali gnomes, Praekanseroese, Naevus, it should not 

     are used.

 D information and precautionary measures:

   - light thermal therapy the hand attachment of children 

      keep away and inaccessible keep.

   - do not use with children under 6 years.

   - application with pregnant women can to early 

      Sore pain to be released.

   - during the childbed it can be used

 E side effects:   

   - with patients with lower blood pressure it can too   

     Swindles accumulations lead.With patients with high

     Blutdruckschwelle(Hypertonie) one does not need to meet precautionary measuresWith Pacemacker patient it should be used careful.   When the occurrence side effects immediately the physician benach correct.

F reciprocal effects with other medicaments:   

Light thermal therapy hand attachment can with others   Medicaments to be accomplished.  They can    

    their medicines further take.

    Rheumatism tables the complaints become less and 

    take from medicines one reduces.  In   

    Blood the fats and the Cholesterin something become   diminished, it is connected naturally with application  

    .   Light thermal therapy equipment can  sleep-promoting work.

 G kind of application and dosage

Tl 12° NGE as LAFER (with ca.700 facet mirror)                 

  Source of light 1 cm distance per 1 cm² 170 mW. supplies.    

Light thermal therapy hand attachment can on the day in 3    Hours distances 1-4 times, approx..Until in each case 16 minutes  are used.  With very strong pain    

  (exceptions consider - point C) is application  

of light thermal therapy - Ltt hand attachment several times  to recommend on the day.

H-over dosage and measures:   

In order to evade possible burn dangers, we ask to absolutely obey you the instructions of your treating physician and the operating instructions carefully.

With an overdose (feeling of dizziness, strong headache, black before the eyes, heavy overtiring features), immediately with the treatment stop.And your treating physician visit.

I keeping:

The Ltt - hand attachment during disuse exclusively in the originals packing and for children inaccessible keeping.

 The Ltt - hand attachment before wetness and humidity protect

The instrument not under -10°C and over + 40°C

 Ambient temperature suspend.In the case of transport only use the original packing.

J manufacturers, service, offer, and packing contents:

Production and selling are accomplished exclusively by the company Lichthansa in 28211 Bremen.The trade of original parts and accessories by third persons/companies are based to permission o.a of the selling in writing on one.   

    For repair work you send the hand attachment in that 

   original packing with indemnity bond and Kassenbon

   to our service partner too.The service address find

   It for this in the operating instructions on page 14. 

    Current offers can do you in writing or by telephone 

    from our company inquire.

    With the new purchase of the Ltt light thermal therapy of hand attachment 

    is in the original packing:

              - the Ltt - hand attachment,

              - two pieces of energy sources,

              - small and largely distance automatic controller ever two pieces,

-       Instruction manual

-       Visual therapy guidance,

- and this folder.

-       the carrying bag, - flavour 

-       Smell stone and accessories 

- colored glasses (optional)  

   The Ltt - hand attachment is under permission CE 0494 and   Patent number EP 1005 880, DP 19856002 registers.