Re: (color)light-filter measuring record therapy light for light-thermo-therapy instrument.
in Univ. Bremen, from 11.November 2001,


The discussions of Mr. Prof. Dr. Staude Mr. Rohbeck Bremen, 04.06.2003 over measure results of 11. November 2001 light-thermo-therapies are defined by its emission-performance. Let us calculate its capacity, and declare the energy per second.
As model is chosen a TL 12° NGE light-sources
PERFORMANCE-DENSITY = mW/cm2 170 mWs per 1 cm²s. produces.

1 Joule (= 1 watt-second - Ws) therefore performance * time

A 10 mW. appliance that 1/100 Joule/sec. suplies, so that the appliance
100 seconds must emit in order to give 1 Joule (= 1 watt-seconds - Ws).

Then Ltt - instrument TL 12° NGE 170 mWcm2 s that produces 1/100 Joule/sec. , so the appliance must emit in 100 seconds in order to give 17 Joules (= watt-second - Ws).

in 100 seconds 17 Joules; in 1 sec. 0.17 Joule/sec. ; in 20 sec. 340 Joules
PERFORMANCE-DENSITY = mW/cm2 Ltt - instrument TL 12° NGE
170 mW / cm2 per 1 cm² = 0,17 Joule (= watt-second = Ws)
170 mW per 1 cm² * 20 = 3400 mW = 3.4 Joules (= watt-second - Ws in 20 sec.)
, 272 mW * 20, 3.4 Joules 16.2 cm2 s = 55.08 Joules (= watt in 20 seconds - W 20 s,
Measure record checked on the 04.06.2003 in the laboratory with Mr. Rohbeck at the therapy-light with the Laser-performance-measure-appliance 212 calibrated: 633nm .

( for example from measurements to the transmission one can calculate that at a laser-light-source of 904 nm wavelengths and 10W/cm2 impulse-power = 1*1012 Photonen/cm2
1 000 000 000 000 Photonen/cm2
in 1 cm tissue -deep approximately 1*1010 Photonen/cm2
10 000 000 000 Photonen/cm2
in 4 cm tissue -deep approximately 3,4*103 Photonen/cm2 photons
3 400 Photonen/cm2
arrive. Mr. Prof. Dr. Rer. nat. Staude mathematically verifies.
It was now interesting to pursue the question, whether accordingly to the eye-receptor-sensitivity also in the body the wavelength-circuit of relatively higher performance-density - red/infrared an important cell function has.
The Photon -energy of near Infrared (IR) lies in the area of 1,4 eV, accordingly 33 kcals = kilocalories per Mol photons.
Also without in-radiation of artificial or natural light constant photon- emissions presence in the organism, only on the body-surface 1021/sek.)