With him light-thermo-therapy instrument has acquired it a natural aid, that increases your body-own resistance-strength to natural way.

The light-thermo-therapy instrument, protects quickly - and in natural way. Applied with a threatening cold, Ltt instrument activates the resistance-strength and helps the body so, pathogenes already to recognize in the former stage of an infection and to repulse. The ability of the body is called resistance-strength to sit down against penetrating pathogenes like bacteria, viruses or fungi to the weir and this harmlessly shuts. This task adopts our immune-system. One-sided nutrition, long-ongoing excessive Stress, too little sleep, so far as coffee, cigarettes or alcohol weaken the immune-system. Alarm-signals, the common cold, long cure-duration with infection-illnesses or slow sore-cure knows indications for a weakened defense is.

Our body needs them light - photons.

That light - photons is an essential invisible element, that is required in the body for a multiplicity of functions. Hardship through a lack at them light - photons can therefore express itself in various illness-indications, for example saisonal dependent depression (SAD), unlike pain or elevated illness-susceptibility through a weakened immune-system.

Our immune-system achieves work. Every day, it destroys millions of bacteria, viruses and poison-materials. In order to be able to work smoothly, it needs light for it - Photonen. Oftmals is that through our nutrition, and modern way of life guaranteed not. No miracle therefore, if more and more people in under frequent colds, elevated inclination to allergies, tiredness and drive-weakness suffers.

Light - photons is an essential element

Without light can place itself and tissues don't divide and don't increase. More than 300 enzymes -körpereigene albumens -sind light - Biophotonen dependent steers important metabolism-functions.

Light - photons has distinctive cell-protective qualities and hinders viruses at the penetrating into the cell. With timely influx, one can therefore do in the advance the pathogenes the life heavy already and illness-times shorten.

Light - Biophotonen develops his/its protection-effect also against cell-damaging metabolism-products for example free radicals and damaging environment-influences.

Through his/its anti-inflammatory qualities has light - photons a favorable influence on skin-illness gladly and acne and promotes the sore-cure. Into a good light-care can promote the capability and psychic endurance and the healthy look of skin, hair and nails furthermore.

Not only some few people have light-lack

Always, a light-lack is put Infrage. The thesis is amazingly with it, it is involved many people above all in the frigid winter-day. Young and old, closed area working people, inhabitants of elderly-homes, nascent and nursing mothers and Vegetarien unconsidered remains data from controlled studies, for example with respiratory infections. The diabetics alone, the illness-conditional susceptibility infections, just as profits Heizhunger phase of regular light-thermo-therapy particularly, these statements let appear questionable. One apparently also overlooks that a light is only badly verifiable lack with the routines analytic procedures, which have to do content with the low photons in blood, serum and hemoglobin and the fast redistribution of new lifted photons from these Kompartiments.

Light - Photon defeault is far dispersed does

Since light - Biophotonen of the body itself cannot be formed, one must the element over them/her/it before all universe - suns irradiation, the food in supplies.

The everyday necessity lies 25.000 kjoules. This quantity immediately the daily losses from. Frequently, this minimum-value is not reached with our modern nutrition however.  Light-thermo-therapy instrument reimburses them/her/it light - photons deficit.

Above all risk-groups - chronic sick persons, strict vegetarians beside frequently too little light - photons on. A highlight - Biophotonenunterversorgung can also with diets, fast food, in times of strong physical and mental burden, appear with smokers, diabetics, during pregnancy and quiet-time and with older persons. Also athletically active people always provided on them of Lichtphotonenspiegel watches.

Light - Photonenmangel weakens the body-own defense-strength

Particular sensitively on an inadequate Lichtphotonenversorgung reacts our immune-system. Without light - photons can perfectly work it no longer. Perceptible consequences can always recurrent situated-ness-disturbances and colds, but also allergies -Heuschnupfen, Neurodermitis -sein. Light - Biophotonenmangel can decrease also the resistance-strength and the growth of hair, skin and mucous membrane.

Light-thermo-therapy instrument ©

A modern light-therapy appliances, like for example light-thermo-therapy © instrument, is looked after body quickly reliable and inexpensive with the indisputable photons and light - Biophoton defeault

Light-thermo-therapy instrument is standardized, d. Mr. a constant quality of the light is guaranteed.

Side-effects through visible light are therefore not known up to now, light-thermo-therapy is been suitable also to the duration-application.

The light-thermo-therapy instrument is after the lawful transition-rules in the traffic. That for all drugs in the too nachlassungsverfahren, the existing vouchers must instrument also for light-thermo-therapy after EC - standards is checked. On the basis of the big number of such aids could inform legally stipulated hint until now:

This aid is after the lawful Übergangesvorschriftens in traffic. The official examination on pharmaceutical quality, effectiveness and harmlessness is not yet completed.Unser Körper braucht Light- Photons Unser Körper braucht Licht- Photonen

Lichtthermotherapie Instrument ©

Eine moderne Lichttherapie Geräte, wie z. B. Lichtthermotherapie © Instrument, versorgt wird Körper schnell zuverlässig und preisgünstig mit den unverzichtbaren Photonen und Licht- Biophotonenmangel.




Vor der Anwendung; Energiedosis mit Hilfe des Energie-Dosis-Reglers (EDR) einstellen (Blid links) Das Handgerät läßt sich mit einem leichten druck auf das Handgerät richtung Anwendungsgebiet einschalten.(Bild rechts) 






Ltt Handgerät auf die Handinnen- und Außenflächen beider Hände, drei mal hintereinander jeweils für ca. 20 sek. mit ca. 3 sek. zwischenpause Anwenden (*)








Die inneren Seiten der beiden Ellenbogengelenke wie im Punkt 2 angedeutet mit dem Ltt Handgerät behandeln.








Zusätzlich die Schmerzenden Regionen wie im Punkt 2 behandeln. (z.B. Kniekehlen oder entlang des Gürtels, weitere Anwendungsareale auf der Rückseite - Abbildungen A bis H)







(*) Die Behandlung mit dem Ltt Handgerät auf dem Anwendungsgebiet von einer dauer ca. 5 - 20 Sekunden nennt mann Quantumed - Areal.
Drei hintereinander folgende Quantumed-Areal behandlung nennt man Quantumed - Trial. Weitere Informationen im Bedienungshandbuch auf Seite 9.